Gloaming (detail).jpg



We create, for the love of The Space… Where every project starts its journey. 

The space is our brief, our canvas, our stage. 

We explore all the characteristics of lights activity within this boundary, looking to the space for answers to how the light is travelling and what effects its course. 

We believe an artworks habitat is as much a part of the work as the materials that it’s made from. We see the space as a fundamental element to how an artwork speaks. 

We focus on creating responsive works, that have their own unique conversation with the structures that surround them.

We create for the love of Nature… Where ideas are formed and inspiration grows.

Nature is our biggest muse, our source of energy, our narrative. 

We explore the details of our planets natural phenomenas, pairing down the visual cues to form the elegant and the minimal. 

Nature brings us everything we need, and plenty of surprises. 

We believe in creating reflective works, highlighting the magical moments experienced outdoors.

Reflecting nature at work.

We create for the love of Magic… Where our world never fails to surprise us.

Magic is the experience, the intimate moment, the art of surprise. 

We explore the magic in the everyday, from the owe of a glitter coated river to the quiet delight of spotting a rainbow in the distance.

Magic is both created and felt from the beauty of the medium, and we aim to bring this magic to peoples attention. 

To experience magic is to experience life itself- Miraculous and spiritual, these magical moments change how we view the world, keep us grounded, optimistic and excite our experience of life.

We believe magic can’t be caught on camera, or explained to you right now. It’s the combination of time, space, science and all that makes up our practice. It must be seen to be believed.

We create for the love of Science… Where magic is explained

Science is our reason, our method, our fact.

We visually explore the physics of light and optics, engaging audiences to question and learn as we learn ourselves. 

Science and art are strongly connected, from process to conclusion. We play, experiment, interrogate our findings and discover new possibilities.

We believe in bridging the gap between art and science, to help better understand the magic we see.

We create for the love of Pattern… Where form is created and structures evolve.

Pattern is our container, our guide, our play.

We explore repetition to contain the chaotic nature of light, allowing it to play within a structured environment. 

It’s the predictable rhythms within this repetition that beautifully reveal the unpredictable. 

Pattern permits us to harness the ephemeral and offers the space needed to create harmony and completion. 

When we repeat we define.

We create for the love of Colour… Where the coincidental becomes intentional.

Colour is our trademark, our voice, our mistake.

We explore colour as a consequence to everything we do, a byproduct of our creative process. 

Colour plays a vital role in our world. It forms how we view our surroundings and any exploration of this concept can’t fail to have a positive impact.

We believe in a world filled with colour, and see our artworks as a reminder of the beauty that makes up light.

Chris Wood
Founding Director, Artist

Chris Wood Light LTD